Friday, May 3, 2013

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

This was a really fun assignment to do!!

Yoon and I went to the Beethoven Center in the King library to take interesting pictures of pianos, while we were taking the tour and talking to the supervisor, we mentioned that we are taking pictures and then turning them into 3D. to our surprise we found out that there's an invention from the 18th century called the Zograscope, which is made out of a large magnifying lense and a mirror, both are adjustable to the viewer.

the illustration that is viewed, looks like normal perspective when we first look at it, but then when we take a closer look without the Zograscope, it appears that people of different sizes are drawn on the same plane, the person who was explaining this to us, said that it's kinda like the 3d effects of that time

in this image you can notice the guy on the left is really small compared to the other people who are on the same plane to his right

I was thinking about how it works, since it's not two images that are offset, but rather different things are drawn at different scales in certain places

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Building a Scene in Maya

this is the default lighting scene in maya
adding one light

                                                     adding another light, a little warm
added the third light for the rim lighting

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2nd term outline paper


The law of inertia means an object moves with constant, uniform motion until acted on by an unbalanced force. Or an object at rest (not moving) remains at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force.


1- Power puff girls, episode 39, Meet the Beat Alls. Mojo Jojo’s cape keeps moving as if there’s wind even though he’s inside the building this defies the law of inertia since there’s no force acting on the cape, but it still keeps moving in its own, having waves go through it, just to give the effect of evilness and chilliness. Even when Mojo Jojo is just standing, the cape keeps flapping on its own. When Mojo Jojo is walking or fighting, the movement of his body doesn’t seem to affect his fur; the hairs on his body don’t have any drag or follow through. This is due to the style of the cartoon and keeping it simple as possible. On other characters such as Blossom, her hair actually has follow through and drags, but that’s because it’s more obvious to the viewer if it’s not moving.
The episode can be watched here,

2- Looney Tunes - Witch Hazel' s Vanity. When the witch is laughing it seems that the force of gravity stops affecting her, and she just floats up in the air for a couple of seconds until she is done with her laughing, then the gravity force seems to affect her again. It feels as if the forces on her body are balanced even though she’s floating in the air but not hanging up with a rope or anything to give the tension to oppose the gravity.
The clip can be watched here,

3- Norman McLaren – Neighbours is a short done in pixilation style in 1952. The overall short has a weird feeling to it, even though it’s being acted by humans, cutting away certain frames, makes the movement appear as if it starts by itself. An example of that is when the man lays on the flat ground, and then suddenly with no force acting on him, he starts sliding around. Also the guys stand up, and then start rotating with no force affecting them. In this example the law of inertia is completely ignored.
The short can be watched here


The law of inertia is almost always being broken in these examples, sometimes in very obvious ways, other times in subtle ways. Playing with the law of inertia adds a new flavor to the show, whether it makes it more stylized like the Neighbors pixilation example, has simpler more appealing character designs like in Power Puff girls, or just to add more personality like the Witch Hazel.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Stop-Motion Character Animation

in this second stop motion assignment, I wanted to do something new and challenging at the same time. so I tried to sync my animation to a melody that my cousin kept playing the other night with her new music box.

first I went to the front yard, and collected different plants and petals laying on the ground, then I watched 27 ballet videos, and 2 unrelated videos about cats.

afterwards, I started my animation, this took 212 images

animating these small flowers needed very delicate touches...ofcourse my fat fingers needed training and I think I got it.
also when I was really close to my final pictures, I take a breath of relief, but instead of breathing away, i breathed directly on the petals -____- it was a very intense frusrating moment, but i got it all back together and fixed it

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chuck Jones exhibit

I was trying to uplaod the images to blogger but for some reason it wouldn't finish the uploading all the way

here's a link to my other blog and has some of the images I took

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Laws of Physics in an Animation Universe

Samurai Jack universe

Conan The Barbarian, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Star Wars, Blade Runner, and Seven Samurai were a couple of films that inspired Genndy Tartakovsky to develop and create the series of Samurai Jack. It’s a show full of energy, action, and a lot of stylized fighting. It tells a story, about a young Japanese Samurai, who lived a long time ago in a peaceful village, until one day, Aku the evil shape shifting demon kidnaps his father and enslaves everyone. Samurai Jack is sent on a journey, to come back and defeat Aku. However, before Samurai Jack is about to defeat him, Aku uses his demonic powers and sends him thousands of years into the future, where Aku’s powers has flourished and he has taken over the world. Samurai Jack’s quest is still unchanged; however he has to learn about the future and try to find Aku to defeat him and return back to his time.

The T.V. series is full of actions and characters that defy reality, aside from time travelling; the main character can run very quickly and jump really high. His Katana is so powerful it cuts through all his obstacles. And his mortal enemy is a shape-shifting demon, who shoots laser beams out of his eyes, and follows no physical laws at all.

Speed and umping abilities:

Young Samurai Jack goes on a journey learning his different skills from masters all over the world like India, Africa, Egypt, Greece, Robin Hood, Russia, the Vikings, Mongolian Masters, and China. He learns different types of martial arts, fighting skills, and becomes quick in his movements.
Jack learned from masters around the world to prepare both physically and mentally for his confrontation with Aku. He is able to jump higher than what’s expected, crosses long distances with a couple of running steps, his fight moves are too quick, and he can hold himself up in the air for extra time, as if gravity isn’t affecting him. In one scene he is able to defeat 5 monsters, but he was too quick that we only see him sipping his hot drink and the monsters drop suddenly.
In episode 14 Samurai Jack finds the portal that will take him back to his time, but Aku appears, grabbing the portal and holding it too high, that even with Jack’s high jumping abilities he can’t reach it.
Later in the episode, he meets a big fat jungle man, who jumps really high, almost as if flying, but lands so gracefully on the ground with no impact what so ever, either on the man or the ground. Samurai Jack is impressed by his abilities and asks him if he could teach him. So Jack learns how to jump high by the blue monkeys in exchange of teaching them how to defend themselves.
To teach him, he is weighed down by enormous amount of rocks, looks as if he will be crushed by them, however, when the weight is taken down, Jack’s first jump felt like he was floating into the sky. The push off time of Samurai Jack’s jump was really long compared to how high he jumped. The jump time was also long. Then he becomes able to jump hundreds of feet with small anticipation. At the end of the episode, Samurai Jack surprises Aku and able to reach him. Jack’s fighting skills have progressed even more, as he defeats most of his opponents using his abilities to jump high.
The enchanted Katana:
Samurai Jack’s katana follows the generic shape of a traditional Japanese Katana. It is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade with squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands. It cuts through everything, including all different kinds of metal. It doesn’t seem that Samurai Jack needs to put any kind of extra force when he’s cutting through thicker robots. Most of the time, for a dramatic effect and to show how sharp the blade is, Jack would cut his enemies, but they explode, or fall apart, a moment later than they should. Sometimes they don’t even notice that they’ve been cut in half until it’s too late. However, in episode 30, Samurai Jack fights zombies, when he cuts them, they turn into dust clouds; the rotten flesh is nonexistent.
On a side note, all the other creatures were turned into robots, so they leak oil or electricity, to avoid censorship for blood and violence.
Jack’s Katana also deflects all different kinds of bullets, but doesn’t follow the action reaction law, an example of that is at the beginning of episode 8. Also when Jack fights his evil mirror image, the evil self’s Katana, doesn’t follow action reaction either when being hit by Jack’s Katana. He holds the katana in a very stiff way, and it doesn’t have recoil after deflecting something. Jack’s katana is so strong that when clashes with his evil self; they end up causing a mini nuclear explosion, burning all the trees around them.
In episode 30, an evil spirit takes over Samurai Jack’s katana. That’s when he thinks it’s the end of him. Samurai Jack has to use the dust disintegrating swords from the zombies to fight Aku, however, the hits he’s getting from Aku doesn’t seem to turn Samurai Jack’s blade into dust like it was doing moments ago, when being used by Samurai Jack himself. The katana is still cutting through rocks and walls when used by Aku. However, the katana was forged in purity so it will only harm bad guys, when used on people who are pure at heart, and it will not cut. The katana makes a metallic sound when it hits Samurai Jack’s chest and doesn’t pierce through.
Aku the shape shifting demon:
Aku’s origin started by a formless evil matter that ended up falling to earth. The force of impact caused all the dinosaurs to die. After the matter started growing and destroying everything around it, an emperor decided to kill it with a magical arrow. The matter transformed into a dead tree stump, until one ellipse day it came to life. The tree transformed into Aku. Aku uses this ability to shape shift almost all the time. When he’s just casually talking or if he’s fighting, he would also shift shapes, to help confuse his enemies, and to indicate that his mind is changing between serious and chaotic all the time. The amount of mass is not consistent; he seems to lose weight and gain depending on what shape he wants to take. A good example of these quick transformation done in a short time is when Samurai Jack has first encounter with Aku, he shoots up from the abyss forming into a tall slender creature with no arms or legs. By what is shown on the screen he’s five and half Samurai Jack figure. However, we don’t really know how deep the hole he’s coming out from is.
Once the fight starts, Aku transforms into a monkey/bat creature. He shrinks so much in size, but he still has the volume almost consistent by adding arms, and legs to his body. He’s four Samurai Jack figures.

Aku then transforms into a very thin scorpion with arms and mini legs. He loses a lot of weight in this shape, but the transition between the two creatures is so smooth and well done, that we don’t notice the size difference. He is now seven and a half Samurai Jack figures.
After falling into the abyss from getting hit by Samurai Jack, Aku climbs his way up, transforming into an octopus, with really long arms. Here the mass increases again to make up for his eight long arms. He is around five samurai figures now, but he can still elongate and shorten his arms at will without losing mass from his main body.

He transforms into a goat, and a bird creature, before finally getting hit by Samurai Jack several times, and ending up losing all his energy. He lies on the ground, waiting for Samurai Jack to kill him. This scene has a major change in the mass and size of Aku. He is almost smaller than Samurai Jack himself. This helps indicate that he has lost energy and shows his defeat.
When Aku is almost beaten and he lost all his powers, his size is almost as big as a human, although he lies flat on the floor with no volume at all.
Even though this show is impossible to happen in real life, and the use of stylized flat figures, which can do unrealistic jumps and has unnatural speed, people still enjoy it. The unrealistic elements of this universe have made it into a unique show. Actually that’s what makes the show great. The TV series has a charmed lightness, with great visual components and simple story. It’s magical mood and fight choreography has created an appeal that would interest people to watch it for a long time.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Outline of the First Term Paper


Animated Television Series: Samurai Jack

Written and Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky

4 seasons, 52 episodes, Cartoon Network

It’s a show that is highly stylized, has a lot of fight scenes, action, and drama


1-      Samurai Jack speedy movements and Jumping abilities

Jack learned from masters around the world to prepare both physically and mentally for his confrontation with Aku.

The ability to jump hundreds of feet into the air, almost giving the impression he could fly. He learned this by a species of blue gorilla and a jungle man.

His fighting skills have progressed even more, and he defeats most of his opponents using his abilities to jump high.

In one episode, Samurai Jack fights his evil self, that has the same abilities as he does, and he ends up using a different technique after failing to defeat his evil self.

2-      Samurai Jack’s Katana

It cuts through everything, including all different kinds of metal. It doesn’t seem that Samurai Jack needs to put any kind of extra force when he’s cutting through thicker robots.

The katana will only harm bad guys, when used on people who are pure at heart, it will not cut. When Aku steals his katana, he couldn’t kill Samurai Jack with it.

3-      Aku Shape Shifting

Aku uses this ability to escape being defeated by Samurai Jack. When talking, he would also shift shapes, to indicate that his mind is also changing between serious and chaotic all the time.

The amount of mass is not consistent; he seems to lose weight and gain depending on what shape he wants to take.

His origin started by a formless evil matter that ended up falling to earth. The force of impact caused all the dinosaurs to die. After the matter started growing  and destroying everything  around it, an emperor decided to kill it with a magical arrow. However the arrow gave a will and consciousness to the black matter instead.


The show has a charmed lightness, with great visual components and simple story. It’s magical mood and fight choreography has created an appeal that would interest people to watch it for a long time.



Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

Here's my final entry for Stop motion of falling, tried out different types of fall. I used clay for the skeleton. as for the water and the ball i used paper cutouts. It was super fun to do and I think I'll do small tests like this whenver I get the chance.
I did a lot of mini tests over the last week so I can get a feel for how many frames are needed to get smooth movement, also to see how the work flow goes. here's a few that I like.

stop motion leaf

did this test in the morning, just to play around with the different weight that's falling. used lettuce leaves.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Skeleton and red ball

Yaaaaay my 6th test is finished,  I think im getting the hang of this stop motion business....well kinda...
I tried doing replacement paper cut outs for the water splash and the ball bounce at the end..
this was really fun to do and my next stop motion test will be here up tomorrow, hopefully if i wake up early enough and hv time to do it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Video Analysis of Path of Action

This was a cool project to try, when i was jumping i thought that i was jumping really high, but when i watched the video, my jump looks super lame.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Shooting refrence

Here's my reference video and picutres of the ball test
the rule of third is really cool and helpful in animation, i have never thought about it before, but doing this homework has helped me understand it a lot more better

Thursday, January 24, 2013

about me

I passed the portfolio review last semster, and now I am taking 114, TA 5, and hoping to add Ani 129b which is the 3D animation class. I enjoy 2d and stopmotion more than 3D animation, but i am practicing hard to get better at 3D. I also volunteer to paint sets for Blossom Hill school musical production, because I like painting on super big canvases. I used to be a science major when I was going to school, but the day I graduated, I decided to be an animator.

Personal work

short animation

This is my final animation for Ani 28, it was really fun coming up with the idea and doing the animation